Just added a few more scans of cover art to Emanuele Taglietti's gallery.
Back in the summer of 2014 I had the incredible honor of having Emanuele Taglietti and his lovely wife Katia come to stay with us during one of his world tours. We only had two days together but we tried to show him as much as we could on his short visit to Las Vegas. As we explored Hoover Dam, Emanuele was suddenly inspired by a concept for a fumetti-style painting. He stopped us right there on the famous landmark and had me and my girlfriend Blayne pose for photographs for this provocative scene of a vampire attack. We staged this moment right in front of a crowd of tourists! (Yes, clothed.) That's the master himself in the background. In it's own strange way this piece marks that special moment when we all met in person for the first time.